Avoiding Violence
Whether it is walking to your car late at night or working with someone who makes you uncomfortable…. we all have those moments when we need to make a split-second decision. Knowing how criminals think, what they say to profile a victim, and learning how to “trust your gut” – can mean the difference between violence and victory. Participants receive effective and realistic training to recognize and counter predatory behavior and assault from certified instructors whose goal is to empower men & women against violence and the fear of violence.
Here is what students are saying:
“Life-changing! Everyone should take this class!”
“I left feeling so empowered!”
“Far better than any typical self-defense course!”
This course is recommended for men and women 13 and older.
If you have been a victim of a violent crime, please be aware that this class is hands-on, and can be triggering. Victims who have taken this class have found it helpful and are happy they came, but some of them experienced added difficulty of working through trauma. If you have any concerns, please email or call us.