Knife Defense Private Course

Knife Defense Private Course

  • $1,400.00
    Unit price per 

Don't like the idea of carrying a firearm?  This class is for you!

"KNIFE DEFENSE is TACTIC's combatives course and is one of the most empowering courses we teach!" says Chris Forrest, owner of TACTIC and former Navy SEAL.  It's high adrenaline - high value, but don't let that intimidate you - this class is for all levels and recommended for ages 13+ and above.

TACTIC training is different because the training always happens under stress, a process called forging. All courses focus on building habits that will not degrade under stress. More importantly, students learn critical thinking skills to evaluate and implement safe courses of action in varying situations. Especially in KNIFE DEFENSE, each skill is layered one upon the other systematically so that at the end of this class, you will succeed in facing a threat in a red man suit with a shock knife!

This material is founded on statistics-based research and focuses on what is real and what works. It teaches both how to defend against knife attacks with bare hands, and also how to defend against attacks by using a knife yourself. The class covers the fundamentals of fighting with and defending against an edge weapon with emphasis on the “stalking” phase of a knife attack which is more common for civilians.

Participants receive effective and realistic training to counter edged weapon assaults from certified instructors. Knife Defense is based on combat proven systems and one of the most effective foundations for knife self-defense techniques.  

Training consists of 5-6 hours of classroom and physical exercises.  The physical segments of this class can be strenuous and the subject material is inherently violent.

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